Balance & Mechanics: October 2023
Date released: 10/18/2023
* New passive for the Warrior classline: Collateral Damage
-- Knight: Added the passive "Collateral Damage"
-- Centurion: Replaced passive "HP Step" with "Collateral Damage"
-- Spellsword: Replaced passive "Mana Step" with "Collateral Damage"
-- Adept: Replaced passive "EXP Step" with "Collateral Damage"
-- Majestic: Added the passive "Collateral Damage II"
-- Blademaster: Added the passive "Collateral Damage III"
-- Majistrate: Replaced passive "Critical Hits" with "Collateral Damage III"
-- Atlas Vanguard: Replaced passive "Siphon Ward" with "Collateral Damage III"
-- Titanguard: Replaced passive "Siphon Ward II" with "Collateral Damage IV"
-- Gilgamesh: Renamed passive "Siphon Ward II" to "Siphon Ward"
-- Gilgamesh: Added the passive "Collateral Damage V"
-- Added Collateral Damage bonus effects to a variety of existing Warrior classline weapons
-- Added bonus dexterity to a variety of existing lategame Warrior classline armor
* [Blades of Finesse] Items that increase the effectiveness of defending in battle will be less effective
* [PvP/PvE] Fixed an issue that caused items that increase the effectiveness of defending in battle to stack too effectively
* [Blades of Finesse] Avidity: can no longer proc in the first round of battle
* [Blades of Finesse] Debilitating status effects (effects that provide less than 50% chance to act) are now much less likely to proc on the first 2 rounds, then half as likely to proc on remaining rounds
* [Blades of Finesse] Beowulf Auriga's double follower action cannot occur on the first round of battle
* [PvP/PvE] Pendulus: No longer 100% chance to delay a turn
* [Blades of Finesse] Reduced AI controlled opponents' HP in the earlier tiers
* [PvP/PvE] Introduced the "Timeless Pendant" to the PvP drop pool. It provides immunity to Stasis
* [PvP/PvE] Added Stasis immunity to: Amadan's Staff, Aegis, True Aegis of Athena
* Kingdom raids limits are now strongly enforced through in-battle damage limits
* Removed the 5000 on-hand item limit
* Quests can now accept items under level 10
* Fixed an issue with guild shop material seeds (this may reset today's materials available to you)