A Beowulf that has reached the stars above.
Hodnost: ★10
Valhallan Dissonance II
Your follower is slightly stronger and may attack more often. Additionally, you and your follower will both become more powerful as your HP decreases in battle.
Ochrana Valhally
Pomocník tě může v bitvě ochránit.
Your follower will have the chance to act twice per turn. Additionally, it has a greater chance to choose the right action for your situation.
Enhanced Bestial Bonds
You gain access to all of your follower's Bestial Bond effects and they are slightly stronger.
Synergie nanebevstoupení
Úrovně získané pomocí oltáře nanebevstoupení budou navíc ovlivňovat i tvého pomocníka.
Pramen many
Existuje vysoká šance, že dovednost nebo kouzlo tě nebude stát manu.